Saturday, August 15, 2009

POTUS: "TV loves a ruckus"

Yes, the media does love airing "outrageous" video whenever it can. President Obama was answering the question of a citizen at a Health Care Town Hall the other day, when he made that accusation; which, many news people have admitted is true. This morning on TODAY, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said this about the media's and cable news' coverage of what would otherwise be local town halls.

No more then it's fair to say that soldiers and marines have been complaining for 8 years that we'll show a picture of a school being blown up, but we'll never show the school being built

One last thing about those town halls, here's Chris Mathew's must watch interview with the guy who brought a gun to a Town Hall.

As for the actual issues behind this debate, some of us don't really know what is even being proposed, however the other day the NY Daily News did a great piece outlining what's true -and what's not. Check that out that article here

And for those of us who like things in video format here's NBC News National Correspondent Steve Handelsman on the Health Care Debate:

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