Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health~Care Post #2

So, if you don't know there is a health care debate going on right now, you might be living under a rock.

CBS6 Albany's Liz Bishop has a look at what the 4 options in this debate are.

But what about how it will be paid for? here's the President, and CBS6 Albany's Gerry Gretzinger with more.

And, what about those health care commercials, what's fact; what's fiction here's CBS6 Albany's Steve Flemish.

But here's something interesting, the latest NBC NEWS/WSJ poll just came out today and it shows that people are beginning to believe what the (R) are telling them about the new health care bill, like the new health care plan will pay for abortions (which it wont).

A full report from NBC's Chuck Todd here. And more on that poll here.

And of course, NBC News National Correspondent Steve Handelsman has the latest:

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