Wednesday, September 2, 2009

TV Notes

Bye Charlie, Hi Diane
Today, Charles Gibson announced that he's leaving ABC's World News in January and Diane Sawyer, co-host of Good Morning America, will take over the anchor chair.
Here's reaction from the first lady of evening news and Brian Williams

Local ties to the Today Show:
This morning my college, The college of St. Rose was featured on the Today Show, check it out here.

Obama's gunna talk, again:
President Obama is going to talk about the health care disaster next Wednesday, September 9th, before a joint session of Congress. More on that here.

Welcome back 'Live at Noon'
For the past few WNYT has aired the noon news at 11am --called NewsChannel 13 Midday. On September 14th, they will stop airing the hour long news program and air a half hour a noon. This is because WNYT is going to carry the all new Dr. Oz Show. 'Live at Noon' is hosted by Elaine Houston and meteorologist Paul Caiano; more here.

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