Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Here’s what I think you should know about what happened today.

The Big Story: Hurricane Irene Strengthens. Just one day after an Earthquake ravages (ok, not really) the East Coast, Mother Nature is gearing up for round #2. Ding! Parts of North Carolina have already been evacuated and the governor of New York has decided to take action! Shocking, a politician taking action before a natural disaster!

Anyway, here’s the latest on Irene; such a nice name for such a scary storm. And here's Al Roker incase you don't know how to read a graphic:

In Other News:

Late-Breaking: Steve Jobs Resigns.

East Cost Quake: While there were rumors at first, it appears the Washington Monument actually does have a crack in it, but here’s what no one’s asking…so does the Liberty Bell and no one seems to care. Anyway, the Left Coast doesn't understand why we were all freaked out over a ‘little’ earthquake…..well you know what California, just wait until Mother Nature drops 18 inches of snow on you.

Travers Post Positions: YNN had Live Coverage of this event this morning; here is everything you could possibly want to know. Also, the Travers will be live on NBC at 5pm this Saturday.

Movie Shoot Continues: FOX23 News continues to do an excellent job of stalking covering the so-called celebrities in the Capital Region. Watch here.

Check This Out:

What were you doing on August 23rd at 1:51 when the earthquake hit? Well, who cares, you weren’t filming it, so it must not have happened. These people were, so it was on the news:

Schenectady was mentioned on ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’ last night when someone who no one recognizes Rose Byrne talked to Dave about ‘The Place from the Pines,’ which os currently filming in and around the city:

A Tip of the Hat: To FOX23 News, yesterday they broke in, expanded their 5:00 newscast and had complete team coverage at 10:00pm of the ‘East Coast Quake.’ If you’re not watching this news station; you’re really missing out. So tune in tonight at 10 and/or 11.

Pictures from: @twcspacewx,

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