Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A legend Dies, a Car Accident and the Stimulus Didn't Work, plus more..

It was a very busy news day today. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died. Locally, it was a shooting that topped the news. In the political circle people are all a-fluster over a car accident.

The Big Story: The death of "the Boss."

Watch WABC's Scott Clark's George Steinbrenner Obituary:

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WABC also has a lot more coverage on there site. And, locally WTEN's John McLouchlin went to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown to report on the passing of the legend. WRGB reminded us Liz Bishop was the first female to report from the Yankee's locker room, as well as passing along local connections.

And, as the news of the passing of Steinbrenner came after the morning papers were published, the Daily News published a special evening edition of the paper, paying tribue to "The Boss." A picture of the Daily News special edition cover at right.

Finally, many people from politicians to celebs are remembering Steinbrenner. Sen. Chuck Schumer says this of the Yankee legend:

Like New York and like the Yankees, George Steinbrenner was a champion.

Read more statements here.

Politically Speaking
: it was just a love tap.

NY1 is reporting that the driver of state AG candidate Eric Schneiderman hit a NY1 car. But Schniderman says, no he didn't, and the last name of that driver -Kagan. Yupp, the niece of the SCOTUS nominee.

CBS News Poll says: Obama's not doing enough.

Watch the CBS news report and read about the poll here. From that report:

Fifty-two percent say the president has spent too little time addressing the issue, and 63 percent say his economic programs have had no effect on them personally.

The Good News: a weather man's birthday.

It's WTEN meteorologist Steve Caporizzo's 50th birthday. Watch as a backyard of people sing Happy Birthday to him and a look back at Cap's 20 years at WTEN. Of note, a year ago today Pet Connection returned to the News Station.

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