Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Specials Begin This Week on TV.

  • This Thursday, November 18th, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving will air at 8pm on ABC, it will re-air next Thursday, Thanksgiving, at the same time.
  • This Friday, Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966), will air on TBS at 8pm.
  • This Sunday, 2 episodes of Elf will air back to back on the USA Network beginning at 7pm.
This website has a pretty complete list of Christmas specials and when they're airing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is it Too Soon?

Did you know what happened 6 days ago? Halloween. But, living in the Capital Region, you would have thought it was mid November. Stores have decked their halls with balls, garland and tacky Christmas lights.

And two local radio stations, Buzz -or should I say- Santa 105.7 and 98.3 WTRY have flipped the switch to 24/7 Christmas music. 98.3 says they have “gotten the vibe” that people are ready for Christmas." I don't know what vibe they are picking up.

Interestingly, The Business Review reports that an Indiana radio station starting playing Christmas music on October 18th!

John Gray put it best last night: "Wasn't it Halloween like 10 minutes ago?" In fact it was John. Watch:

Why are we always rushing the Holidays? It's one thing to start buying gifts and decorations for Christmas, but 24/7 Christmas music and mannequins holding red packages in Macys? Yes, it is too soon.